Saturday, July 23, 2011

T-shirt Quilt

Okay, I realize that this has absolutely nothing to do with birds, the kitchen, or birds being in a kitchen, but...

I've been working on a t-shirt quilt for about 4 months now - well, most of that time has been spent sorting through my old shirts (and a few "donated" by friends).  As of now, I have 60-something 6" x 6" squares cut, and am in the process of piecing them together, into rows of 11 squares (working on the 3rd row at the moment).

I'm thinking that the finished product will be somewhere between a full-size and queen-size quilt. So... Most likely 15 - 18 rows of 11 squares?  As much as I'd like to at least piece the blocks together before I head off for college, in reality, it'll definitely take at least until the end of the year (if not around this time next year).

Anyhow, here is a picture (taken quite a while ago) of the topmost row of t-shirt blocks (pieced together).

**Also, if anyone has any ideas of where I can get *extremely* affordable t-shirts, please let me know.


  1. Thank you for visiting Moments with Maisie and I hope that you do make the
    Super Simple Summer Shrimp Salsa Salad
    and enjoy it as much as we do.

    Very fun that you are making a t-shirt quilt. I am saving all of Maisie's gymnastics leotards to make a quilt for her one day, maybe when she goes off to college...hopefully on an academic and/or gymnastics scholarship! Anyhow, really cheap t-shirts can be found at Goodwill, usually for just a dollar or two.

    Cook Lisa Cook

  2. Thanks for letting me know Lisa. I actually stopped by a couple of Goodwill stores on Monday, and was able to find a few t-shirts that I really liked - still debating on wether or not I'll add them to the quilt or wear them though.

    Also, would there be any particular brand of quilting thread that you would recommend?

    - Yiran

  3. Would love to help you with this but I don't sew, thankfully there are wonderful people out there that specialize in quilt making.

    Cook Lisa Cook
